
A Compass through the Eras

Roman, baroque or rather the 19th century? 
Hardly any era of the horticulture has not left its mark in 7.000 years on Lake Constance. The "green" tracking leads from the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology via Antiquity to the Middle Ages. We continue with the Renaissance and Baroque to the landscape gardens of the 19th century and into the present. Here we will give you a little  guidance.

Lake Dwellers, Celts and Romans (12.000 BC till AD 400)

Lake Dwellers, Celts and Romans (12.000 BC till AD 400)

From the Lake Dwellings to Villa Rustica
Anyone who thinks that the archaeologists would know nothing of the garden passion of our Stone Age ancestors is mistaken. Perhaps it is presumptuous to speak from "passion", but horticulture exists verifiable since 12.000 BC.

Gardens of the Middle Ages

Gardens of the Middle Ages

Charlemagne made the beginning...

With the departure of the Romans it seems that the history of horticulture at Lake Constance ends at the first glance. But the impression is deceiving.

Gardens of the Renaissance

Gardens of the Renaissance

First "Italian Gardens" at Lake Constance

Renaissance gardens developed not later than in the first one-third of the 16th century. According to their origin they are also called "Italian Gardens".

Baroque and Rococo on the Track

Baroque and Rococo on the Track

Versailles en miniature

The gardens of the baroque arose as a further development of the "Italian Gardens" in France. They are strictly geometric built up, have a central axis and are in line with a palace or with the residence of the garden.

Landscape Gardens on Lake Constance

Landscape Gardens on Lake Constance

What a Elysium!

In deliberate contrast to the French garden the landscape garden was developed in England in the 18th century. It is his goal to reproduce the natural landscape or rather to create a kind of accessible area of the landscape. Many examples from the 19th century can be found in the german-speaking countries and at Lake Constance.

Welcome in the Present

Welcome in the Present

From the urban park to the individual garden happiness

The first public gardens of Lake Constance were developed in the 19th century. In palm houses and urban parks mixed a variety of different styles into a new item. Radolfzell, Constance, Überlingen are only a few examples for it. Even in the private gardens happened this development.

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