From the Stone Age to the present day
At Lake Constance you can take a journey through the eras of horticulture. Panoramic gardens and parks are a cross-border symbol of the rich history of the region. From the Stone Age, through ancient times and the Middle Ages to the 19th century and beyond to the present; you can experience it all first hand. You don't need to travel vast distance. And if you like, you can simply travel from garden to garden by ship, bus or train.
Beautiful gardening - across history
Almost 1,200 years ago, a monk from Lake Constance wrote the booklet "Hortulus", the first Garden Advisor in Europe. There, where the cradle of European horticulture was, visitors can explore parks and green oases across the history of humanity; from the Stone Age to the present day.
Garden Hopping made easy
The proximity of the gardens and parks, tour tips for boat, bike and car and easily driveable theme routes make a garden (time) travel on Lake Constance without extensive planning to a real pleasure. The water is omnipresent. The tours from garden to garden always offer beautiful views over the third largest lake in Europe, as well over the beautiful landscape surrounding Lake Constance.
Gate into the cultural history of the region
With the Lake Constance Gardens you can experience the rich cultural history of the region and combine your visit with world cultural heritage sites such as the Monastic Island of Reichenau or the Lake Dwelling Museum but also with museums which bring the distant world of past times closer.